A Closer Look At Our Unique Process

In the warmth of the mid-morning sun, the Nakweni Sisters artisans gather together to create hand beaded jewelry, home decor, purses, sandals, and more. With any endeavor, there is the heart behind the idea…the dream. Our dream is to provide opportunity for our children and grandchildren. We are driven by our desire to provide educational opportunities for our kids, as well as to provide the basics for everyday life-food, clean water, sanitation, and solar lights.

Our motivation is our children.

Each woman has her own style and favorite piece of artistry to make. Some women love making the traditional round and tear-drop earrings with the bold, bright colors of the Maasai. While others are experts in beading belts and sandals, for example. Some of our newest items are beaded bowls and vases! The women gather two to three mornings a week to create.

The Nakweni Sisters studio is nature. There they sit on the ground, surrounded by dusty earth and low growing scrub bushes and trees. The sounds of children playing fills the air. They work on projects for a few months and then once an order is filled, it makes it’s way to the US. The beaded items either travel to the US with a returning mission team or sent through a delivery service to the heartland-Iowa.

Once the beaded items arrive in Iowa, the volunteer team sorts the items and prepares them for display. Cardboard backs are stamped with the Nakweni Sisters logo and the process of preparing earrings and other jewelry for sale online and in shops begins. Sitting at a table, the earrings are paired and placed on their display cards. In our hands, we can almost feel the journey they have been on.

The prepared items are then delivered to Host Shops in the Siouxland area, as well as being available through our website and social media posts. The US side of operations is powered via a volunteer team. All proceeds from sales and donations go to the Nakweni Sisters artisans.

The Nakweni Sisters guide their business and the goals they set for themselves. We strive to inspire and empower women. The volunteers in the US feel honored to be a part of their team. We all thank you for supporting our small business endeavor. Asante sana!


Next Steps


Entrepreneurs-Raising Goats